. . .we are definitely cat people in our family. this is mr. livingston. (pic is a little dark) he is apparently a purebred snowshoe that appeared in out backyard one day. . .he lived under a bush for a couple of weeks, i fed him. . .finally john caved and told me to bring him in. i honestly think it was sending john out in the torential rain storm to attach plastic to a cat carrier so the cat would be able to get out of the rain if he wanted, that was the final straw. . .
we have two other cats - fasb. . .yes, named for the illustrious financial accounting standards board. youget the craziest ideas in college! and trixie - named for the girl sidekick in speed racer. . .my first crush. what i wouldn't do for a ride in the mach 5. . .
catch you soon -