Hillary Chybinski: 12 Days of Christmas | How-To Green Your Holidays

Monday, December 05, 2011

12 Days of Christmas | How-To Green Your Holidays

I never really thought about how I could make my holidays "greener". . .not more so than I attempt to make the rest of my life "greener".  but for this post, I thought of some ways that we are, or could, help out the planet a little bit more during this time of the year.

How to Green Your Holidays

Here are some easy ideas to keep your holiday "Green":
  • give gifts made from recycled materials or purchase from companies that support fair-trade practices.
  • use less packaging. . .make the packaging (a tote bag) part of the gift.

Use less Packaging to Green Your Holidays | My Scraps
  • shop local - use local sources for your flowers, gifts, holiday foods. . .anything you can.   it supports the local economy, as well as uses less fuel to get there.
  • use a timer on your holiday lights, and buy energy efficient lights whenever possible.
  • decorate with natural items - pine cones, holly, greenery, and fruit all make attractive decorations.
Use natural items to decorate to help make the holidays "greener"

  • bring your own shopping bags. . .leave the plastic bags at the mall.
All of these little things, can add up to one big win for our planet!

What are some of your favorite ways to "green" the holidays? 

catch you soon -
For more ideas, check out A Life in Balance.


  1. I'm going to make more of an effort to bring reusable bags with me from now on when I go out. It's ridiculous the amount of plastic bags that I bring home, and really it isn't a big deal to put a couple of cloth bags in my purse!

  2. I love the snowmen totes! I bought amaryllis kits for the teachers from Home Depot, and they have the prices on them. I wanted to repackage the kits, but hadn't come up with anything. Did you find the totes at Michael's?

  3. CUTE snowman totes. And I adore natural decorations, great way to "green" your holiday!

  4. Thanks for the comments ladies - Brandi I am bad about the bags too - except for Trader Joe's - I bring my own there.

    The felt bags were from the Target $1 spot a few years ago - they have similar bags again this year - I try to pick some up and keep them in my stash =)


  5. Thank you for motivating me to post my holiday decor as well! I couldn't agree with you more on "going green," and I love to decorate with all natural decor.

    Here is my post and I linked back to you! http://pjsandcoffee.com/2011/12/we-decorate-with-fruits-christmas-time-at-home/

  6. This is one of the ways to help our environment. It is important to save our nature by reusing those plastics and other unused materials. I always use my own recyclable plastic bags when going to the malls or markets.
